Tuesday, December 6, 2011

An Evening With Francis Moore Lappé

An Evening With Francis Moore Lappé
Wedensday, February 1, 2012  •  7:30pm
St. Brigid's Centre for the Arts, 310 St. Patrick Street, Ottawa
USC Canada presents an inspiring evening with the visionary author of the ground-breaking Diet for a Small Planet (1971), Frances Moore Lappé.
Based on her new book, EcoMind, Lappé confronts our current myths about markets, food, and environmental issues, challenging us to change the way we think so we can create the world we want.
For further information about these events or if you have any questions about tickets or event details, please contact Julia by email (jlaforge@usc-canada.org) or by phone (            613-234-6827       ext.225)